I've been wanting to upload a TraqMate video of March 10th at Fuji for sometime now but I thought it would be fun to show a little demo of how easy it is using the TraqMate/Chasecam combination to pull out a video of your best lap of a certain session. So here it is...
Two things wrong with this video of course... One is that the video capture program that I used to capture the video from my desktop doesn't actually show the video that the TraqMate software actually shows for some reason. It does show the other videos though which is a bit wierd. But anyway... The second thing is that I was too lazy to do sound :-)
So - once you do all that, you basically end up with your video file... It's so easy. No more editing or not much anyway depending on what you want to do. The video I made in that video is this one... Its not actually my fastest lap but it's not so slow either :-) I'm quite the happy camper with my purchase!
1 month ago
Good software Tom.
Time to hook up the RPM part of it ;)
Yeah. lack of RPM is vaguely annoying. The main problem is how to capture that information from the roadster... Trackmate provides the standard way but am still looking for how it hooks up to my version of the roadster. The info is on the CAN bus but it needs decoding first. Need to look elsewhere... Hopefully by the end the next session I'll have something.
Yippee! As of tonight I have rpms hooked up. Thank you FeatherKing! Next video should feature rpm readings.
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